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Babadook x 3

Have you ever had repetitive dreams? I used something like a continuing dream which is the dream that the story continues from the day before. Until recently, I had been feeling down in my waking life, I had nightmares 3 nights in a row.

The dream was distracted by other prior dreams which I totally didn't recall until I went to bed (in the dream) and then I suddenly felt hot and bothered. I opened my eyes and saw a ghost popping up its head towards my face. It was dark so I didn't see it clearly. I was so scared to actually look at it. Therefore, I covered my face with the blanket. And then I realised that it was just a dream and I woke up.

The second night, it started out with other dreams which it didn't matter much as well. Then, I went to bed and In the middle of the night, I opened my eyes in my dream and I saw this dark object which should be the ghost popping up its rather close to my face and this time I screamed so loud with fear. I think I just saw a ghost.

The third night, I had exactly the same nightmare but this time, I think my subconsciousness told me to not look at it. However, I still opened my eyes in my dream but I didn't stare at it. I felt like on one hand, I really wanted to know how the ghost actually looked like. One the other hand, I'm afraid that if I knew it, this dream may get caught and it wasn't a scary dream anymore or something like. I feel like I had a bit of my subconsciousness in the progress. Anyway, I still screamed out loud and felt so scared and lonely. I woke up sobbing and the rest is history.

The fourth night, I didn't have the same dream again because my waking life didn't feel depressed like before. I like more relaxed and a bit positive in real life. I used this Babadook because it looks closest of what I have seen in my dreams.

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